I’ve been using it to write code and solve some “what if” problems including a Easter egg hunt but this is a whole new level.

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Thanks for sharing this, Dan. I thought I was across most major developments in the AI space but this one flew under my radar. Just installed this in replit and have tested with a few different tasks. The level of detail and the way it structures the tasks and responses is absolutely insane. I gave it a task to write a detailed article analysing some economic factors, and it did surprisingly well. Up until now, I'd been jury-rigging a similar system with ChatGPT using text expanders and copy-pasting its responses to expand from short outlines to longform copy, but this does it all in one click. Obviously there's some redundancy and you would need to edit, fact check, etc. But it is a lot better than starting with a blank page, or spending 30+ minutes going back and forth with ChatGPT to get a rough draft.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dan Raine

BTW - total respect for the headline 😀

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dan Raine

It’s extraordinary. I thought chatGPT was an iPhone level event. I was wrong - this will be a revolution every bit as seismic as the Industrial Revolution and information revolution . Just ridiculously exciting

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In just the last couple of days this has exploded. Long term memory, the ability to search the web itself. This will change everything.

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Now, you can take that thread, run a few more biz launching facts and run it through an AI course creation app, punch out a couple dozen videos all with AI human like speech, as well as writen content launch it all on a couple dozen AI driven social media platforms, webstie builders and backlinkers.......and WAALAA......sell your course for $97 a pop and then.....rinse, repeat in millions of other niches...lol.....THAT is what I am working on and my machine in about 75% complete! Couple more weeks and I'll put my first quarter in the slot, fire it up and see what it spits out back at me.....should be interesting!!! OF course by then some of the AI stuff I am using will be obsolete but what the heck. It can only get better, right? =)

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But then you are selling things that sound good, but are untested.

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Yes Jay, you are correct. NOW is the time to test ALL things AI and see what works, what needs tweaking or molded in a different way but the way things are moving everything that has been tested and worked in the past is pretty much amplified 1000x by what AI can do. Interesting times we live in mate! Exclusively Magical I'd say!!!!

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It's just incredible, I get goose bumps seing the power and money making potential AI brings to the table! :) First movers adopting this technology will be the ones that fly ahead and benefit. Rather than being fearful or indifferent and getting left behind.

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I couldn't agree more. We have 6 months to capitalise on this.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Dan Raine

Looking forward to playing with it

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