The Raine Report represents my collected thoughts, experiments, practical experience, and get-out-of Dodge advice delivered in the most concise way that I possibly can with absolutely no flim flam, waffle, or hype.
I am Dan Raine, I started my first publishing business way back in 1990. In 1997 I built my first website and was hooked.
Moving on to 2003 I started building the first of 23 individual businesses which I sold as a whole in 2006.
Since then I have been sharing business building, marketing, and no nocence advice to anyone who is willing to listen.
I currently run three businesses and are just about to launch a fourth which I will be documenting here on SubStack.
I am a raconteur, developer, hacker, trader, entrepreneur, cypherpunk, and futurist who is always looking for something new to break.